BrotherPress WordPress theme

Introducing BrotherPress

Further to Brother’s adventures in web accessibility, we’re delighted to announce the launch of BrotherPress, the genuinely accessible, barebones WordPress theme!

Why have we created it? We have been building websites for clients for years, and WordPress is the most requested CMS. Still, as accessibility has come into the spotlight, we’ve historically wrestled with it to make it truly accessible. We’ve hacked, bolted-on, massaged and metaphorically sellotaped accessibility features and markup into what is often an already bloated WordPress theme.

Enter BrotherPress - our minimal, lightweight, barebones theme built with accessibility at its core and fortified with popular elements to provide a blank canvas and responsive structure that supports your brand and messaging.

Built to exceed W3C WCAG AA requirements, the Gutenberg-based theme has query loops, accordion lists, tab lists, dynamic carousels, post lists, post grids, and gallery elements as standard. And our Gutenberg blocks allow deeper customisation and accessibility attribution for greater compliance.

Currently, it is only available alongside Brother services and support packages. This is so we can offer meaningful support and relevant updates and upgrades. A wider rollout, independent of Brother services, is planned but will only happen once we have the right support channels.

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