Essentially (playfully spelt essentia11y)

Beyond a checklist

Accessibility isn't about meeting a checklist of standards; after all, you could follow the guidelines to the letter and still end up with an inaccessible product. No, it's about understanding the audience and their requirements and ensuring the content is still coherent when accessed through various devices and assistive aids. In short, it’s a philosophy that seeks to create digital spaces where everyone, regardless of ability or disability, can navigate, interact, and engage.

Our 6 principles of accessibility

1. Fundamentally

Inclusive design is a mindset

Accessibility is not a one-time task but a continuous commitment to inclusive design. It’s about fostering a mindset that values diversity and actively seeks to eliminate barriers for users with varying needs.

2. Experientially

Diverse user experiences

Users come with diverse abilities, and a checklist approach may overlook nuanced user experiences. Real accessibility involves understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by individuals with different impairments, ensuring a tailored, user-centric approach.

3. Evolutionally

Evolving standards and technologies

Checklists are static, but the digital landscape is dynamic. Web accessibility evolves alongside technological advancements and changing user expectations. Embracing accessibility means staying current with evolving standards and adopting new technologies that enhance inclusivity.

4. Emotionally

Legal compliance vs. ethical responsibility

While adherence to accessibility standards may be legally mandated in some cases, the true spirit of accessibility extends beyond compliance. It’s about recognising the ethical responsibility to create digital environments that empower every user, contributing to a more equitable online world. The willingness to listen and be seen to act can be a comfort and lead to repeated users – even when the product's accessibility is still a work in progress. 

5. Continually

User feedback and iteration

Accessibility is a journey, not a destination. Incorporating user feedback, especially from individuals with diverse needs, is an essential part of the process. Continuous iteration based on real-world experiences ensures ongoing improvement and refinement.

6. Educationally

Educational awareness

Building accessible websites involves educating stakeholders about the significance of accessibility. It’s about fostering awareness that extends beyond checkboxes, encouraging a shared understanding of the positive impact that inclusive design has on both users and the digital community. 

In conclusion, web accessibility is a holistic approach that goes beyond ticking boxes on a list. It’s a commitment to understanding, embracing, and championing the diverse needs of users. By adopting accessibility as a guiding principle, we can create digital experiences that not only meet standards but empower everyone to participate.

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